What is Entry — Webpack 5

Yadhunandan S
2 min readJan 9, 2021


How Entry Points work and how they are used in webpack.

Before continuing the article, please refer to the below link if you have missed the introduction to webpack 5

What is entry

Entry is a property that indicates webpack which module(s) / file(s) it should use to begin building out the internal dependency graph(s) of the project / application.

Three syntax of entry

  1. Single entry
  2. Multi-main entry
  3. Object entry

Single entry

The single entry syntax points to one file path to start building the dependency graph of the project / application. It is a great choice when you are looking to quickly setup a webpack configuration for an application or tool with one entry point (i.e. a library)


entry: String

module.exports = {
entry: "./src/index.js"

Multi-main entry

The multi-main entry syntax points to multiple file paths. Its creates separate dependency graphs based on these paths and finally get combined or merged into a single file.


entry: [String]

module.exports = {
entry: [

Object entry

The object entry syntax creates separate files for each key value pair in the entry object. It allows you to customize the chunk / bundled file name (key name). This is the most scalable way of defining entry / entries in your application.

This is a popular technique used to separate concerns by environment, build target, and runtime.

Usage 1

entry: { [entryChunkName] : String }

Usage 2

entry: { [entryChunkName] : [String] }

module.exports = {
entry: {
adminApp: "./src/admin.js",
homeApp: ["./src/home_1.js", "./src/home_2.js"]

The webpack configuration file specifically to highlight entry property:


You can pass an empty object to entry when you have only entry points generated by plugins (will see more about this in detail in the upcoming articles).

module.exports = {
entry: {}

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